One essential skill to master when cultivating relationships is listening. If you don’t actively listen to other people, you won’t gain any wisdom from their insights. The Healthline website shares these tips for active listening:
Give people your full attention. Concentrate on their words to the exclusion of everything else. Don’t plan your response while they’re still speaking, and don’t use a pause to steer the conversation around to another topic.
Use positive body language. Your body communicates just as much as your words do, if not more. Make sure you’re fully facing the other person.Relax your body, but lean in slightly to show interest in what they’re saying. Nod to show you’re listening and that you understand.
Don’t interrupt. You may be tempted to jump in with an idea or solution. Restrain the impulse. Instead, wait for the other person to stop talking before asking questions or offering your point of view.
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