Two boys walk into a bakery on a dare. They have no money in their pockets, but are determined to score a few treats. When the baker isn’t looking, the first boy, Tyler, swipes three cookies from a tray on the counter and sticks them in his jacket pocket.
“Guess I won this challenge,” he says to his friend Chuck.
“Watch and learn,” Chuck replies as he walks to the counter and rings the bell. “What can I get for you?” the baker asks.
“Just your undivided attention,” Chuck answers.
“Gather around folks. I am the Amazing Chuck, and I know magic.”
A small crowd assembles around Chuck and Tyler. Chuck turns to the baker and says, “If you would be so kind as to give me a cookie, I will show you all a trick.”
The curious baker obliges and hands Chuck a cookie from the tray on the counter. Chuck takes the cookie, looks it over, and then stuffs it in his mouth. When he is finished, he says, “That was pretty tasty. Might I have another?”
The baker is becoming skeptical and says, “This isn’t much of a trick as far as I can tell.” He hands Chuck another cookie and watches as Chuck gobbles it down, as he did with the first one.
While smacking his lips, Chuck says, “Trust me, this is going to be the most amazing magic trick you ever witnessed. I know you have your doubts, but please, sir, I just need one more cookie for this trick to work.”
“This better be a heck of a good trick,” the baker says as he hands a third cookie to Chuck.
Just as before, Chuck devours the cookie. He then pats his belly and rubs his hands together. He rolls up his shirtsleeves and shows his palms to the baker and says, “Abracadabra!”
“I don’t see anything,” the baker says.
Chuck points to Tyler and says, “Let’s check his pocket.”