National Friendship Day, August 6. Make a new friend or reconnect with an old one!
Civic Holiday, August 7. Civic Holiday is a public holiday in Canada celebrated on the first Monday in August. Though the first Monday of August is celebrated in most of Canada as a public holiday, it is only officially known as "Civic Holiday" in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories, where it is a territorial statutory holiday.
National S'mores Day, August 10. This delicious holiday celebrates a classic summer treat - s'mores.
International Youth Day, August 12. This global observance highlights the importance of young people and their contributions to society.
National Nonprofit Day, August 17. This day recognizes nonprofit organizations’ ongoing efforts to serve the local community.
Slinky Day, August 30. A day set aside to honor a Toy Hall of Fame superstar that captured the imagination of children all around the world.
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