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July 19, 2022
Gino Pezzani
Are you as productive as you could be at work? It depends on how you start your day. To get off on the right foot, follow this advice from the website:
Empty your mind. Get rid of extraneous thoughts that might distract you up front. If necessary, write down any ideas or worries, and then set them aside so you can focus on your first task.
Don’t check your email right away. Spend 30 minutes or so on something productive before looking at your emails. You’ll avoid getting sucked into nonessential tasks.
Avoid meetings. Don’t call a meeting first thing in the morning. We spend enough unproductive time in meetings as it is. Block out a meeting-free zone on your schedule, and attend only the most essential early morning meetings.
Stand up. Instead of settling into your chair first thing, take a short walk or use a standing desk for the first 10 minutes of your day. This can help you feel more energetic and empowered.
Use Natural Light. Open your blinds to let in the sunshine. It’ll help you wake up and feel more alert. If that’s not an option at your workspace, invest in a lamp that simulates sunlight.
Set and share deadlines. Let someone else know when you expect to finish an important task. Keeping it to yourself makes letting it slide too easy. Having someone in on it will help you feel accountable, even though it’s just a co-worker with no authority over you.
Start one at a time. Don’t try to accomplish several morning tasks at once, no matter how easy they are. Focus on just one, finish it, and move onto the next. Allocate blocks of time for specific tasks, with shorter spans in between for miscellaneous jobs.