June is a peculiar month, unlike any of the other months of the year. Mostly free of big holidays associated with indulgent behavior like devouring candies and costumes, June is famous for Father's Day, when we celebrate fatherhood and paternal relationships. However, tracing the origin of the word "father" down to the Latin word "Pater," we find patronage, which is a beautiful idea of supporting someone in their endeavors to make the world a better place.

Becoming someone's patron can come in different forms, ranging from being a booster at a local store to donations as an arts patron. People can also become community patrons, initiating programs that promote involvement, education, or entertainment for the common good of schools or other local organizations.

It's crucial to have a tribe or a trusted group of people that share personal and professional goals. Sometimes, being the tribe's center requires one to act as a patron, overseeing support to bring the tribe's causes to fruition.

As we find ourselves halfway through 2023, this is a good time to contemplate who we can include in our tribes and how we can connect people, forge alliances and make the world a better place. Finding purpose and causes to which one can dedicate their lives is a daunting task, but with dedication and direction, it's achievable… and extremely rewarding!

Summer offers us the perfect opportunity to spend time with friends and family, take advantage of the warm weather, and develop a plan to make a difference. Let June be the month where we find purpose, become patrons for what matters to us, and move forward with conviction and optimism.

Onward, and upwards!


Gino Pezzani


World Environment Day, June 5: This day is to raise awareness and promote actions toward protecting the environment.

National Running Day, June 7: A day designated as a way for runners to reaffirm their passion for running and encourage beginners to make a life-changing commitment to running.

Father's Day, June 18: This day honors fathers and father figures for their contribution to their families.

Juneteenth, June 19: “Freedom Day” is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the abolition of slavery in the US.

Summer Solstice, June 21: This day marks the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the official start of summer. Surf's up!


Scientists have found evidence of water vapor on the moon, which was discovered by using data from NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA).

By using its infrared telescope, SOFIA detected water molecules in the moon's Clavius Crater, in concentrations of 100 to 412 parts per million.

This evidence suggests that water might be more widespread on the moon than previously thought.

The presence of water on the moon is significant because it is a crucial resource for space exploration and can be used to create fuel and sustain human life. The discovery, which raises new questions about how the water got there, is a breakthrough in our understanding of the moon's resources and its potential as a destination for future space exploration.

This finding could lead to new opportunities for scientific research and to the development of new technologies that can make space exploration more sustainable and cost-effective.


Throughout the year I like to do a little something special for my friends, family and amazing clients. It’s just my way of continuing to say thank you for helping me build my business and serve my community.

Now is the perfect time of year to tackle your outdoor projects, so I created a handout called 11 Landscaping Projects Anyone Can Do that I'd love to share with you.

This handout is filled with simple and effective ways to enhance your outdoor space and increase the value of your home. And I’ve included projects for all budgets!

Download your handout here.

Let’s catch up soon – I can’t wait to hear about which projects you tackled!

Gino Pezzani

RE/MAX Heights Realty




Possessing even limited knowledge about companion planting can go a long way in ensuring you have a productive and harmonious garden, because not all plants are compatible. Here are some combinations of plants to avoid in your garden:

Beans can hinder growth for plants in the onion and cabbage families, including broccoli, cauliflower, kale, chives and garlic.

Carrots and some herbs attract the same pests and can easily become overrun. Try growing your carrots alongside legumes and nightshades, such as tomatoes or peppers.

Kale and other vegetables from the cabbage family can stunt tomato growth. Plant kale with fragrant companion plants, such as mint or rosemary, to repel pests.

Asparagus and onions compete for the same resources. To avoid this, consider growing your asparagus alongside parsley or basil.

Rosemary is great for pollination but can release chemicals that limit or prevent the growth of cucumbers. Keep these two at a distance from each other.

Corn and tomatoes attract the same pests and compete for resources. However, corn and melons thrive together.
Lettuce won't grow well alongside onions or garlic, but can flourish with cabbage or broccoli.

Cauliflower grows poorly next to strawberries and prefers the companionship of onions and herbs.

Spinach can't compete with aggressive potato plants, but grows well with peas and strawberries.

By avoiding these plant combinations, you can ensure a bountiful harvest and a flourishing garden.



4 cups cubed seedless watermelon

1/4 cup chopped fresh mint leaves

1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese

1 tbsp honey Juice of 1 lime


In a large bowl, combine the cubed watermelon and chopped mint leaves. In a small bowl, whisk together the honey and lime juice.

Pour the honey-lime dressing over the watermelon and mint and toss gently to combine. Sprinkle the crumbled feta cheese over the top of the salad.

Serve chilled. 

This colorful and flavorful salad is not only delicious, but it is also packed with nutrients. Watermelon is low in calories and high in vitamins A and C. Mint is known for its digestive properties. Feta cheese adds a bit of protein and calcium to the dish.

Enjoy this refreshing summer salad as a light and healthy snack or side dish at your next summer BBQ.


Did you know that your brain needs time to fully wake up after you've been sleeping?

Researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder have found that the groggy feeling we experience in the morning, called sleep inertia, can be just as impairing as being intoxicated!

This mental fog can last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the person. So, if you're planning to operate machinery or maneuver through heavy traffic, it's best to wait at least one hour after waking up to do these activities to ensure you're alert and ready to go. Safety first, folks!


Did you know that the largest living organism in the world is not a whale or an elephant, but actually a fungus? The Armillaria ostoyae, also known as the "humongous fungus," covers an area of 2,200 acres in Oregon's Malheur National Forest and is estimated to be about 2,400 years old.

This giant fungus, which primarily lives underground, is made up of a network of thread- like structures called mycelium that can spread over long distances and absorb nutrients from trees and other plants.

It's an incredible example of the diversity and complexity of life on our planet.   


As we celebrate Mother's Day, let us remember to acknowledge the remarkable gift that mothers possess - the ability to hear what is not said and notice what is not obvious. This gift is often overlooked, yet it is a defining characteristic of motherhood that deserves our attention and admiration.

Moms have a sixth sense that enables them to detect even the most subtle shifts in mood or hidden pain. Their intuition and empathy allow them to pick up on the signals that others might miss, and they are often there to offer a listening ear, a warm embrace, or a word of encouragement.

So, on this special day, let us take a moment to show appreciation for all the amazing moms who have made a difference in our lives. Let us thank them for their unwavering love and support, and let us cherish the invaluable lessons they have taught us through their remarkable gift of hearing what is not said and noticing what is not obvious.

To all the wonderful mothers out there, we salute you! Your love and dedication are truly inspiring, and we are in awe of your extraordinary gift.

Happy Mother's Day!

Gino Pezzani

A mother's love is like a warm embrace,

Comforting and nurturing, full of grace.

She lifts you up when you are feeling low,

And helps you grow with every step you go.

A mother's wisdom guides you on your way,

Her gentle touch and words of hope each day.

She's always there, through thick and thin,

Her love and care, a treasure within.

So on this day, we celebrate her might,

The mother who holds our hearts so tight.

Her sacrifice, her endless love and care,

A mother's gift, beyond compare.

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