It’s once again my honor and privilege to write this monthly letter and find some connection with you, even if it’s just for a few brief moments as you flip through your daily mail. This month I am over-joyed to celebrate Labor Day with you.
Typically, I don’t speak about holidays or major events, but this month I was moved by the concept of work. The day is meant to honor those out in the field, as we call them now, essential workers. Now, more than ever, we can share our appreciation for those on the front lines of healthcare and other essential services keeping us safe for the last three years.
In the larger sense, I was inspired to share my feelings on what it means to be a good worker. Is a good worker going 100% all the time? Do they never take a break or a day off?
If the past almost three years has taught us anything, it’s that we can “do our job” anywhere. Admittedly, I’ve done some work from bed in my PJs and what that has taught me is that it’s okay to relax a little.
I used to think I had to be on a tight schedule, do everything, manage everyone, or else the world would stop spinning. It turns out that my team is what keeps this ship afloat, and if I can’t learn to delegate appropriately, then something important will fall through the cracks, and my facade of the perfect worker bee will, in fact, crumble all because I thought I could “do it all.”
Nobody can do it all, and though it sounds counterintuitive due to what we have been taught to believe, asking for help does make you a good worker. Collaborating, sharing, giving feedback, and asking questions are tools, not weaknesses.

I encourage you to take this idea into your work week and if you’re a leader in your field, try bringing in your co-workers to see if they can help you. You never know what others have up their sleeve when given the opportunity.
Kind Regards,
Your Real Estate/Mortgage Consultant For Life