A mentor of mine once said, “Never evaluate your life looking forward, instead turn around and examine your progress from where you’ve come from.” As we reach the end of the year, our natural tendency is to evaluate progress, results, goals and dreams based on outcomes achieved during the calendar year.
The ups and downs of this year give us the opportunity to evaluate our year and set future goals based on new measures. This year has been a great teacher and here are some important lessons I’ve learned:
- Instead of judging success on outcomes, measure accomplishments in adaptability.
- Instead of evaluating progress in distance, measure the journey by turns on the path.
- Instead of planning based on an imagined future, be guided by the next few steps.
When measuring the successes and failures of this year, remember to include the flexibility, adjustments and loving care you’ve also provided along the way.
If you’ve ever heard the quote, “A setback is a setup for a comeback,” then 2021 may become a year to remember!
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