Aiming for greater diversity and inclusion means thinking about your business while focusing on what’s right. As you strive to make your organization more inclusive, follow this advice from Inc.:
• Target new audiences. Bolster your commitment to diversity by looking for new markets and buyers. Motorcycle companies, for example, used to market exclusively to men; these days they’re also targeting women and other groups extensively. Look at your products and services to identify fresh markets for them.
• Review your language. The words you use have power, for good and for ill. Be mindful and use inclusive language. Have staff members read your marketing materials and other public statements to look for language with hidden biases that may alienate potential customers. Listen to their suggestions for a more inclusive way of communicating.
• Look for connections, not divisions. We’re used to separating people into categories, especially for marketing purposes. Instead, try looking for what different groups have in common. Most single people want to date, for example, whatever their age, race, or orientation, and your offerings can reflect that common interest. Look for intersections where you can appeal to a wider, more diverse market of customers with universal needs.
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