Why not try your hand at creating a miniature garden under glass? Anyone can have a terrarium and they’re great for home decorating! Originally popularized during the Victorian era in the form of the Wardian case, today, terrariums and bottle gardens are making a big comeback.
To get started, you’ll need the right supplies:
A clear container of your choice
Pebbles, or small stones
Charcoal (without any additives)
Decor of your choice
Plants— choose some that don’t grow too large and can tolerate moisture
Then, assemble your terrarium:
Leave some room for growth: Your terrarium won’t look instantly lush; plants need time to adjust and settle in.
Water after planting: Soil should be damp, but not soaked.
Place your terrarium in bright light, but not direct sunlight: You want to grow your little plants, not cook them.
Leave the container open: Leave the container open for a few days after planting so that leaves can dry off, then put the lid on your miniature garden.
Don’t overwater: Avoid excessive condensation and limp leaves. Open your terrarium and let it dry out a bit if it looks too saturated.
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