Good health isn’t an accident of genetics. It’s a habit—or it can be, if you’re serious about practicing it. Here are a few tips for staying in shape and healthy under any circumstance:
Move around. Maybe you can’t devote a few hours to a full workout every day, but you can burn a few hundred calories by adding even a little physical activity to your routine. Get out of your chair and take a brisk walk around the office, use the stairs instead of the elevator, pick a parking spot that is far from the entrance and so forth.
Eat relaxing meals. Take your time when eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. People who race through their meals, or eat while they’re doing something else - such as working or watching TV - tend to eat more. Sit down, slow down and enjoy your food without distractions.
Stop when you’re full. Most of us were taught to eat everything on our plate, and the idea of “wasting” food seems downright wrong to many people. But you’ll add unwanted weight by forcing yourself to finish meals when you’re already full. Save your uneaten food and enjoy it the next day as a snack or as leftovers to avoid wasting it.
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