Whether you’re returning to a workplace, taking over a new space or working from home, you don’t want to waste time searching for basic supplies when a minor injury happens. Keep a first aid kit accessible and well stocked with supplies, including these items:
• Adhesive bandages of assorted sizes
• Sterile gauze and adhesive tape
• Antiseptic wipes for small cuts
• Eyewash
• A cold compress that does not require refrigeration
• Tweezers for removing pesky splinters
November is also a great time to schedule safety retraining— the bustle of December is still weeks away, so now is a great time for a refresher. Remember to cover these important areas of concern:
• The importance of knowing when to dial 911 for trained emergency help.
• Proper maintenance logs of equipment, whether that is a workplace alarm system or a home heating and air conditioning unit.
• An evacuation plan in case of emergency.
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