Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, and ChatGPT 4 now stands on the shoulders of the wildly popular ChatGPT 3 and 3.5 AI tools. As ChatGPT 4 rolls out, it might prove even more disruptive.
Launched in late November 2022, ChatGPT 3.5 was a resounding success. The bot's website,, received only 153,000 visitors in November.
Visits climbed to 266 million in December and 616 million in January. Since then, the website has seen more than 1 billion searches a month. Perhaps traffic will cool, but ChatGPT 4 will drive even more engagement.
ChatGPT 4 might also drive revenue growth. OpenAI expects revenues to hit at least 200 million this year and one billion in 2024.
OpenAI makes money by lending its AI solutions to various platforms for a price. The company has also rolled out a $20 monthly subscription plan that offers faster services and exclusive access to ChatGPT 4.
ChatGPT 4 could become handy for everyday uses, such as checking prices, shopping, meal planning, and travel and vacation planning—nearly anything that requires aggregated data.
What makes ChatGPT 4 a better solution than ChatGPT 3 and 3.5? As you might expect with AI, the newest iteration is smarter. OpenAI claims that ChatGPT 4 is ten times more powerful than ChatGPT 3.5, although they haven't fully explained how. Reported internal evaluations did find ChatGPT 4 to be 40% more likely to produce factual responses, 60% less likely to make up stuff, and 82% less likely to respond to disallowed requests. Producing violent content, among other things, is banned.
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