It has been said that Fall and Winter are a time to retreat, reflect, and restore. Maybe you did some of this in your personal life, professional life, or both. Spring came, and things started to lighten up. The symbolic or perhaps real snow began to melt, and we came out of ourselves a bit.
June marks the beginning of Summer, a time to shine. It’s the time to project outwardly, be big, bold and brave. It’s the time to take risks and let loose, where the plan is not to have a plan. We spend most of the year working on ourselves or our businesses, trying to grow and be better for our family and friends, and now is the time to see how far we’ve come and celebrate the victories. Enjoy the benefits of our hard work by taking that vacation or splurging on that nice dinner.
Remember the joy you felt as a kid as June would approach? It was fueled by the relief of no school and the joy of sleeping till noon. As adults with responsibilities, Summer inherently means something different now. That said, I challenge you to approach this season with the wonder of a child. Seek adventure and excitement whenever possible, wherever possible.
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