A blind man sold flowers on a busy street; his vibrant stand contrasting with the gray city. Each day, people hurried past, barely taking notice of him or his blooms.
One afternoon, a young girl, enchanted by the scent and the blind man’s serene demeanor, stopped at his stand. “Why do you sell flowers you can’t see?” she asked.
He smiled and said, “I sell them not for their beauty, but for the joy they bring to others. In their fragrance, I find a vision of a world kinder and more patient. My blindness teaches me to feel beauty in ways others might miss.”
When she walked away, the bustling city around her seemed to slow, and the cacophony of traffic and chatter faded into a harmonious background hum.
Each step she took was lighter, as though the flowers had transferred some ethereal grace to her being.
The flowers seemed to whisper, revealing a hidden truth: Real beauty isn’t in what we see, but in how we choose to experience the world around us.
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