A marble statue stood in the middle of a large city, surrounded by hundreds of marble tiles that visitors from all over the world stood on to admire the statue’s beauty. One night, when the city square was empty, one of the marble tiles right in front of the statue spoke.
“Hey statue, don’t you think it’s unfair that people from all over the world come here to admire you, while ignoring and stepping on me?”
The statue replied, “Don’t you remember we were actually cut from the same block of marble?”
"Yes, I do! That’s why it’s even more unfair. Both of us came from that block, and yet the world treats you so differently now!”
The statue said, “Do you remember the day the sculptor tried to work on you, but you resisted his tools?”
“Yes, it hurt! I was mad at him! How could he use those nasty tools on me?”
The statue continued, “Well, because you resisted his tools, he couldn’t work on you, so he decided to give up and work on me instead. I knew at once that I would be something different and unique after his efforts, so I bore all the painful tools he used on me and allowed him to craft me as he wanted.”
The tile exclaimed, "But those tools were so painful!"
The statue said, “My brother, there is a price for everything in life. You decided to resist and give up, so you can’t blame anybody who steps on you now."
The marble tile silently listened to the statue’s words and started to reflect on them.
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