I think we can all agree that 2020 brought unexpected challenges that continue to affect us. However, as the hot July afternoons transition into cooler August evenings, I sense we’re at a point where we can begin to look back on what the year has brought us as much as we can anticipate what lies ahead.
I got to thinking the other day on what a longer view of this year reveals. What if we glance back about 100 years instead of looking ahead by a few months? What did one short century do for us as a modern society?
On May 21, 1927, Charles Lindbergh flew across the vast Atlantic Ocean, landing his Spirit of Saint Louis in Paris, 33 hours after departing from New York. A century later we do have some extra precautions to take from lingering effects of the recent pandemic, but generally speaking, we can fly to another continent with little effort.
In November 1920, the first commercially licensed radio broadcast was heard from radio station KDKA in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Today, we can hop in the car and turn on a radio, listen to cable music stations through independent providers or talk back to a podcast posted online for subscribers. One century brought us a world of music and news on invisible waves broadcast for anyone to hear. We can listen to the world.
Also in 1920, the 19th Amendment was passed, ensuring women the right to vote. Suddenly, the entire population had a voice in elected leadership and public policy. That’s a pretty powerful thought.
Fall is just around the corner, but I firmly believe the rest of this year is packed with possibility. What will historians look back and say we created in the summer of 2020? What can we do to change the world from where we are now?
Let’s make it an amazing month of invention, of exploration, of leaning in and having serious conversations with friends and family on how we can make our world a better place. It’s going to be a hot one out there!
I wish you the best as we build and rebuild our world together….
Gino Pezzani
Your Real Estate/Mortgage Consultant For Life
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